Veracity Energies Uganda Limited

Solar Panels

Here is the comprehensive information on different types of solar panels, including their efficiency levels and panel wattage ranges:

Solar Panels


Efficiency: Around 15% to 20%

Panel Wattage Range:
Standard Range: Typically, 250W to 400W
Small Range: Starting from 10W to 100W

Made from high-purity silicon crystals, known for high efficiency and space-efficiency. Ideal for various applications, including small spaces and where maximizing power output is crucial.

Solar Panels

Monocrystalline PERC (Passivated Emitter and Rear Cell)

Efficiency: Typically, 20% to 23%

Panel Wattage Range:
Standard Range: Commonly 520W to 550W
Extended Range: From 560W to 590W

An improved version of monocrystalline panels with added passivation layer, offering higher efficiency and better performance in low-light conditions. Suitable for various applications with extended range options available for increased power output needs.

Solar Panels

Monocrystalline Bifacial

Efficiency Gain: 10% to 30% compared to monofacial panels
Panel Wattage Range:
Standard Range: Commonly 520Wto 550W.
Extended Range: 560W to 590W.
Monocrystalline bifacial solar panels represent a significant leap forward in solar technology. Unlike traditional monofacial panels, which capture sunlight only on their front surface, bifacial panels harness energy from both the front and rear sides. This dual-sided capability allows them to generate electricity not just from direct sunlight but also from reflected light off surrounding surfaces, such as the ground or nearby structures.

Solar Panels

TOPCon (Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact)

Efficiency: Up to 24% or higher

Panel Wattage Range:
560 W to 590 W

Utilizes innovative TOPCon technology for high efficiency, with advanced rear-side passivation for improved performance. Optimal for utility-scale solar projects and applications requiring high power output.
Having a range of solar panels available in varying sizes and power outputs allows for flexibility in selecting the most suitable option based on specific requirements, space limitations, efficiency needs, and power output demands for different solar energy systems.

Solar Panels

Polycrystalline (Multi crystalline)

Efficiency: Approximately 13% to 16%

Panel Wattage Range:
Standard Range: Usually 240W to 350W
Small Range: Starting from 10W to 100W

Made from multiple silicon crystals, slightly lower efficiency than monocrystalline panels but more cost-effective. Suitable for both larger installations and smaller applications requiring lower power output.

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